
A&Q about lavatory bowl from yahoo

Q:Do you ever feel like a used tea bag dunked into the lavatory bowl of life?
A:If you're dunking your tea-bags into the toilet pan before use then you got a serious issue with tea-bags. Just what have tea-bag done to you in your past that makes you hate them so much and another thing How does the tea taste.
A:I feel like a drowned rat, actually!! Ive just come in from the p i s s down of rain outside. One second of sun and the next minute its like someone has thrown a bucket of water out of the pi ss ing window!!!! IM SOAKING!
Erm...dunked teabag? No not so much!

Q:Ladies. I had a new lavatory a month ago. I flush it once a day but the bowl is now as brown as the old one...
...do you think I should contact the Water Authority over obvious water quality problem ?
A:why dont you just clean it make sure your using lots of bleach and get one of those blue waterthings to go in the tank makes the water come out blue and you dont see the discolourment.also ask your neighbours if they suffer with the same problem maybe they'll be able to help give you solutions... :)
A:You need to scrub it with the brush everytime you flush. The brown discoloration is the waste matter combined with the chemicals in the water. If you brush everyday there won't be any chance for it to build up and discolor your bowl.
A:It can also be your pipes.


I need a lavatory alone, where can i purchase one without buying a set (lavatory bowl and lavatory set)?

A:Home Depot, Lowes Menards, any plumbing supply. Most toilets are available as separate tank and bowl. But I wouldn't count on an odd tank fitting an unrelated bowl.

A&Q about squatting pan from yahoo

Q:Isn't a squatting pan thats used in the East for passing out waste matter more hygienic than the toilet seat?
In a squatting pan there is no physical contact between the person and the toilet so chances of getting some disease from a used toilet seat seem more reomote. Your views.
A:depending on the width of the pan it cold make contact with your ankles. People with poor balance could fall in it and If you were at the wrong angle you'd end up peeing on yourself. Just use cleaners on toilet seats. Your kitchen table has more germs on it anyway.
A:Um no... you do realize that over there people dont even use toilet paper? They wipe with their hand and rinse it off with water... no soap...just water.
Just buy some sanitizing wipes and wipe down the toilet seat before hand and then lay toilet paper on top of it.
You are more likely to get sick from touching your own poo than from sitting on a toilet seat.

Q:Talking about "toilet business", why the westerners ladies do not use squatting pan?
To them is like a "unbelievable" thing....I wasnt knew that until I work in a environment where I can meet a lot of foreigners.
A:When I traveled to Japan, it was my favorite thing to encounter at public restrooms! It's so much easier than using a seat cover! Brilliant! I don't understand why it hasn't caught on either.
A:We usually only squat if we're in a public restroom and don't want to get crabs.
Did you hear about the lady in the United States who got arrested for shouting toilet obscenities? She was fined for potty mouth! I'm not kidding...the link is below! Craziest story I've ever heard!

Q:Can you successfully negotiate a squatting pan?
Well for peeing- that's easy.
But for the other big job, well- I fret about soiling my shoes inadvertently.
What's the secret to successful squat pan operation?
A:Honey, all I can say to that after researching what a squat pan is....is that "THANK GOD I AM AN AMERICAN"! I have never even heard of one until I read your question. Good luck to you.
A:Congratulations! You have won the award for asking the most stupid question ever asked on Yahoo Answers, troll!

A&Q about water bath trough from yahoo

Q:Bath tub for water bath trough with stains?
I have an old bath tub that has been sitting outside for like a long time (ma by 2 years). It had an old childs chair that was metal, and so it got all rusty from the bath tub being filled with water for the raine. The other day I scrubbed it out with watered downed bleach, and rinsed it really good. there's still golden spots (there not actualy rust I don't think, they just seem to be stained i think) on the bottom from where the chair was, it wont come off! ive tried everything ive scrubbed it with steel wool and tons of other things. Will it be ok for my horses to drink out of it anyways? Or will it not be good for them?
A:Even if it has rust in it it will be fine.
Rust doesn't hurt you if you drink it nor does it hurt horses. You wouldn't want to drink the muddy red stuff in the bottom of a rusty tank but the amount of rust that comes off a spot in a bathtub is negligible.
Make sure that tub is rinsed thoroughly , the chemical residue from cleaning stuff is way more dangerous than rust.
I am wondering how you are going to plug the tub .. make sure you can take the plug out now and then to clean out the algae that may form. When you see green in the tub it's time to clean it soon.
A:I agree with Wheeldog but you also want to take the chain off the plug - I knew someone who's horse seemed to think it was a new toy - drove her nuts wondering where all the water was going until she caught him doing it !
Also you want to take the taps off to avoid possible injuries from them.

Q:I am a pig farmer. How am I going to take January's bath now that the water bath trough have frozen over?
A:leave it till next year,i'm sure no one will notice.
A:It's too cold to bath .Go back to bed and poke the wife.You know you love those tenderloins.

Q:Horse's water bath trough?
I'm sick of lugging small water buckets a day to the back field for my horse since his water trough broke in the wind (it was a hardened plastic 40 gallon one but still broke in strong winds) :-[ Anyway, now I'm stuck without a water trough so I'm having to cart water into those 5 gallon TubTrug thingies. Where can I get a cast iron bath or a big water trough for free/cheap near me in the North East UK? Any ideas of anything I can use other than what I've mentioned? Thanks!!
A:Try TSC if they have one where you live. Or if they have a True Value where you live. Or a Southern States if they have them where you live! These are all great stores that have exactly what you need!

A&Q about stall urinal from yahoo

Q:How do you determine which stall urinal you use?
I usually use the one on the end, but not the handicaped one (those are a bit big for my fancy).
A:The cleanest one and if I'm at school, the one with a door that actually locks.
A:the handicapped one because its usually the cleanest and its wider....I dont like tight spaces so much! .....also the toilet is a little higher and that works better for me since Im tall.......

Q:What would you do if you were at a stall urinal and a man looks over and compliments your sizeable member?
A:I would say thank you and tell him that my Glock is much bigger that i mainly use it for blowing away peter puffers that stare at my junk.
A:Take out my machetee and chop hees pisstolero to peeses, si. Eez too many sss, si.

Q:What would you do if you left the stall urinal and the guy next to you complimented you on your large member?
A:thats y i avoid urnials at all cost. even if i go in and im alone screw that someone could just come in and peek at my baby maker :(
Enjoy the rest of ur nite and have a great wkend :)
A:*lol* this question is interesting. i keep thinking of the doctor a long time back that told me my underwear/bra set looked great on me. it was creepy. *lol* if i was a guy i'd be creeped out for sure.

Q:Why is there a rubber in the stall urinal?
you know what I'm talking about ?
see the rubbers in here?
women, don't answer u have never seen this!
A:Due to juvenile behavior.

water bath trough

water bath trough is a pipe device for use in bath or shower, the bathroom is usually installed in homes. Modern mostly acrylic bathtub (acrylic) or glass fiber, ceramics have to wrap the steel, and even wood manufacturing. Old West Bath is usually rust-treated (galvanized) steel or iron manufacturing. Traditional Japanese-style baths Zeyi timber manufacturing. All along, most of all is a rectangular tub, heating system in recent years, acrylic bathtub because the increasing popularity of the first appearance of a variety of different shapes in the bathtub. Bath of the most common color is white, there are other colors such as pink, etc.. Most water bath to the bottom of Jieyou also prevent overflows in the upper to go with the water level. Some put the location of water pipes installed in the tub edge.

Optional bathtub several aspects should be considered

(A) of the styles and materials

water bath trough

1, in addition to the traditional bath in addition, that many students will choose a jacuzzi.Jacuzzi whirlpool points, bubble, bubble with spiral-type three, the time of purchase should be clear;
2, the material mainly in acrylic bathtub, steel, cast iron products for the mainstream, which cast the highest level, followed by acrylic and steel, ceramic bath as the absolute mainstream of the past, and now the market has almost not visible ;
3, the bathtub is mainly to see the merits of the material surface is smooth, hand touch is smooth. Especially for steel and cast iron bathtub, if enamel coated well, the surface will appear slightly corrugated;
4, material related to the quality and thickness of the water bath trough the strong degree, the students use the visual is not apparent. Need by hand, with the foot again, if sinking feeling, that hardness is not enough. Of course, the step before the best businesses gain consent.
(B) the size and shape
1, the size of a bathtub according to the size of the bathroom to determine, if it is determined the bathtub installed in the corner, usually speaking, the triangular bath tub more than the rectangular space;
2, the same size bathtub, its depth, width, length and profile are not the same, if you like depth point, the location of the waste exports will be higher;
3, there is one side skirts for bath, drain according to the time of purchase, the location of the wall skirts the direction of attention, can not buy the wrong installation.
4, if the water bath trough may have to be added, then shower, tub to choose slightly wider point, shower baths part of the location of the following should be even, and should be handled through the slip.

stall urinal

For men, usually in public toilets in the men's room can be seen.
Male users often use a stall urinal for voiding. However, occasionally someone will spit the urinal, throwing cigarette butts.
Urinal, it is often placed by the administrator: camphor ball (except for the smell of smoke), or aromatic ball (either sucked the smell, but also a sweet!).

Red gate stall urinal installation height
About 1.8 meters off the ground, I said that with the height of the water tank. Tube 2 m PVC50 buy next, buy 4 PVC45 degree bend. stall urinal is about the width of about 30 cm, 20 cm from the ground, the construction of a urinal to make a slope, water can quickly flow away.

Or use the crowd to see the body height, the general public toilets to 100cm. To the level of human standing arm, forearm and the vertical distance from the ground is appropriate. If a family for personal use, some of the kids would be considered 80cm or 60cm.

squatting pan

Device when the toilet is used to obtain the body characterized by squat toilet. squatting pan is divided into non-blocking and block; Pissing structure and non-return of water back to water bend bend.

Pissing Product Guide

First, the selection of points
1 Product Definition
Made of clay or other inorganic

Tank Pissing
Material by mixing, molding, made of high-temperature firing, water absorption ≤ 0.5% of the glazed ceramic squatting pan.
2 Products
2.1 divided by type: hang box, flush valve type.
2.2 divided by water: ordinary type, water-saving.
2.3 use is divided into: adult, child care type.
3 Specifications
Recommended size 3.1
1) Adult: length 610mm, width 270mm;
2) child care type: Long 480mm, width 220mm;
3.2 The wall of the intake center to complete the distance: not less than 60mm.
Any part of the green body thickness of 3.3 should be not less than 6mm.
3.4 All sanitary ware with integral trap water seal depth of not less than 50mm.
4 Scope
For public buildings bathroom.
5 Implementation of the standards
5.1 Product Standards
GB 6952-2005 "sanitary ware"
5.2 Certification Standards
HJ/T296-2006 "technical requirements for environmental labeling products, sanitary ware"
6 Technical Requirements
6.1 The main physical and mechanical properties should be consistent with the provisions of Table 6.1-1.
Table 6.1-1 ceramic squatting pan the main physical and mechanical properties

Index name required
Water absorption (%) ≤ 0.5
Water seal depth (mm) ≮ 50
Average water consumption (L) 11 ordinary type
Saving 8
According to index the radioactive IRa ≯ 0.9
Ir ≯ 1.2 according to index outside the
After each wash washing function may not have residual traces of ink lines.
6.2 Appearance
1) The glazed, the maximum allowable range of cosmetic defects, the maximum allowable deformation, size tolerances, dimensions, etc., should be consistent with the provisions of GB 6952.
2) a product or package should be no obvious color difference between the products.
3) The test should be unglazed crack crack, crack-free billet.
6.3 water
Shall comply with the provisions of Table 6.3-1, squatting pan in any test pressure, the maximum amount of water shall not exceed the specified value 1.5L. Double file Toilet displacement of small files no larger than 70% displacement of large files.
Table 6.3-1 toilet water
squatting pan
Form of the specified value type toilet water
(L) 11 ordinary type
Saving 8
6.4 bidets
Wash function should meet the emission function and the splash of the requirements of pollution.
6.5 Technical requirements for supporting the toilet
1) flushing equipment and supporting facilities of the
Toilet must be equipped with the necessary functional requirements and satisfy the provisions of the quantitative toilet flushing device, and should ensure that its overall tightness, by supporting anti-siphon flush device should be functional.
2) Connect the sealing requirements
Water supply and drainage systems products and the connection between the installation, the hydrostatic pressure of not less than 0.10MPa to maintain 15min no leakage.
Technical Requirement 6.6
1) high-grade sanitary ceramics used in construction shall comply with HBC16-2003 "Technical Requirement for environmental labeling products - sanitary ceramics" requirement, the radioactivity is less than 0.7 according to index, radioactivity outside not more than 1.0 according to index; the product is not the average water absorptionmore than 0.5%.
2) mid-range should be selected in line with building and sanitary ceramics products HBC16-2003.
7 reference price (see Table 7-1)
Table 7-1

Toilet type of mid-range low-grade
Pissing (million) brought back to the water bending 60 ~ 200 200 ~ 580
Back to the water without bending 100 ~ 360 30 ~ 100
Note: 1. The above prices, including water tank, radiator caps, tank fittings, sitting circle, cover. Not included in the price of luxury bathroom products.
2. The table for the market price, and the actual transaction has some float. The same manufacturer's products, because models of different prices vary considerably. Listed products are mainly white glaze.
8 points of the design selection
8.1 Note the depth of water seal
Sanitary water seal every foul is a health requirement. Sanitary ware sets new standards in the "health for all with the overall trap seal depth of not less than ceramic 50mm", including the requirement of the squatting pan with integral trap. Pissing required before the depth of water seal only 30mm, when used in particular should pay attention to.
8.2 The use of water-saving products
1) In new residential cities, by prohibiting the use of a wash water in the 9L or more (excluding 9L) of the toilet.
2) squatting pan washing water standards is not greater than the ordinary type 11L, saving no more than 8L, are mostly water-squatting pan water comes back to turn the product. Water-saving products also have a qualified cleaning functions, features and splash contamination of the discharge. With the realization of the high water tank accessories, but also by infrared sensors, automatic water flushing.
9 trends
9.1 Water
9.2 Green
"Green building and sanitary ceramics" refers to the raw materials, product manufacture, use or recycling and waste treatment and other aspects of the load on the Earth's environment is conducive to small and human health, building and sanitary ceramics. All through the environmental product certification, affixed with ten rings green building and sanitary ceramics products, when the subject should be preferred.
9.3 clean
1) Self-cleaning high smooth the glaze to glaze, or coating with nano-materials to form a hydrophobic surface layer, so that the products are self-cleaning function of the surface, not linked to water, not linked to pollution, scaling, health performance improvement.
2) Antimicrobial products: Health enamel and silver, titanium dioxide and other materials, to kill germs or bacteria under photocatalytic can avoid the surface of bacteria or mildew, improve sexual health.

Pissing optional five steps

From the health

Point of view, the main bathroom generally use the toilet, squat pan is generally used guest bathroom, large family bathroom can also select men's urinal, so that both beneficial to clean, but also save water.
Should pay attention to the market selection of five steps: look, touch, weigh, ratio, test
First, look at the overall
Well-known store has its own characteristics, with a model, to prove their strength, placed in a variety of qualifications more obvious location. Whether the sample was placed in neat, attractive, from the manufacturers which reflects the importance of their brand and the intention level.
Second, the touch surface
Pissing the surface of glazed high-end and green body are more delicate, hand-touch surfaces will not have uneven feeling.
Comparison of middle and low dark glazed Squat Pan, in the light irradiation, will find that there are pores, glazed, and green body are relatively rough.
Third, weigh component
High-grade sanitary ceramics squatting pan must be used in high temperature ceramics, the ceramic sintering temperature above 1200 ℃, material structure, completed the Phase Transformation, was the ultimate in close formation and structure of glass phase, reaching the sanitary requirements of all-ceramic hand weigh a heavy feeling.
In both low-end of the squatting pan is used in sanitary ceramics, the low-temperature ceramics, both ceramic because of its low firing temperature, firing time is short, can not complete the phase transformation, thus not reach the full porcelain requirements.
Fourth, water absorption than
In high-temperature ceramics and low temperature ceramic most obvious difference is that water absorption, high temperature ceramics less than 0.2% water absorption, the product easy to clean and not absorb odors, does not occur glaze cracking and partial leaking.
, The low-temperature ceramic water absorption is much higher than the standard and easily into the water and difficult to clean but also gives off an unpleasant odor, and over time will be cracked and leaking.
Fifth, try flushing
The squatting pan, the main function is to flush, and squatting pan pipe design is scientific and rational, the biggest factor affecting the flush.