
A&Q about stall urinal from yahoo

Q:How do you determine which stall urinal you use?
I usually use the one on the end, but not the handicaped one (those are a bit big for my fancy).
A:The cleanest one and if I'm at school, the one with a door that actually locks.
A:the handicapped one because its usually the cleanest and its wider....I dont like tight spaces so much! .....also the toilet is a little higher and that works better for me since Im tall.......

Q:What would you do if you were at a stall urinal and a man looks over and compliments your sizeable member?
A:I would say thank you and tell him that my Glock is much bigger that i mainly use it for blowing away peter puffers that stare at my junk.
A:Take out my machetee and chop hees pisstolero to peeses, si. Eez too many sss, si.

Q:What would you do if you left the stall urinal and the guy next to you complimented you on your large member?
A:thats y i avoid urnials at all cost. even if i go in and im alone screw that someone could just come in and peek at my baby maker :(
Enjoy the rest of ur nite and have a great wkend :)
A:*lol* this question is interesting. i keep thinking of the doctor a long time back that told me my underwear/bra set looked great on me. it was creepy. *lol* if i was a guy i'd be creeped out for sure.

Q:Why is there a rubber in the stall urinal?
you know what I'm talking about ?
see the rubbers in here?
women, don't answer u have never seen this!
A:Due to juvenile behavior.

